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Warmly celebrate that the "three-layer three-dimensional perforated film " project of NAR Industrial Co., Ltd. won the honorary title of "Top 100" in 2016 high tech achievements transformation project

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-09-01      Origin: Site

In order to further encourage enterprises to strengthen independent innovation, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and give full play to the demonstration effect of scientific and technological innovation and achievements transformation, on August 25, 2017, Shanghai Science and technology entrepreneurship center, on the basis of sorting out the tracking statistical data of 2016 high-tech transformation projects in the city and enterprise research, and based on the recommendation of science and technology committees of all districts and municipal enterprise groups, evaluation and expert evaluation After examination, the "three-layer three-dimensional perforated film" project undertaken by Shanghai NAR Industrial digital printing materials Co., Ltd. was awarded the "Top 100" honorary title of 2016 Shanghai high tech achievements transformation project. 

The company attaches great importance to the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and the realization of innovation value, especially in the field of technological innovation to strive for greater achievements. NAR Industrial Co., Ltd. will take this opportunity to effectively use the national intellectual property policy, continue to increase R & D investment, further promote the transformation of high-tech achievements, and truly make technological innovation a powerful driving force for enterprise efficiency.


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