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Visiting the Chairman of the Victori is hired as a visiting professor of Changshu Institute of Technology

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-03-29      Origin: Site

On the morning of March 24, 202, Shanghai Nar Industrial Co., Ltd.-Changshu Institute of Science and Technology, jointly established the Association of the Innovation Research Institute and passengers appointment ceremony in Changshu Institute of Technology. Chairman, Chairman, President Ma Ji, General Manager Xia Xuewu, Changshu Institute of Technology, School of Materials Engineering, School of Materials Engineering, School of Materials Engineering, School of Materials Engineering, School of Materials Engineering, President Yang Gang and Personnel Department, Science and Technology Department, etc. Teachers and students represent the meeting.


At the meeting, the director of the Materials School of Material Engineering and the general manager of Shanghai Nar Industrial Co., Ltd. reported from the application of basic research, key product development, collaborative innovation cooperation model, etc., the construction and operation of collaborative innovation research institutes. .

At the subsequent appointment ceremony, the chairman of the tourists was hired as a visiting professor of Changshu Institute of Technology, and the President of Jiang Zuolian was issued a book for the chairman of the patriotism and worked.


The chairman of the pavilion introduced the basic situation of Nar Shares and the future development vision of the teachers and students, and also talked about his own study and growth experience. Destiny, the awareness of Science and Education. He said that it will be committed to creating a leading enterprise in the industry, national brand, and continuously engage in public welfare undertakings, education, and continuous strengthening multi-faceted collaboration, continuously giving back to society to reflect the social responsibility of enterprises.


The Jiang Zuolunan principal hopes that the school enterprises will deepen production and research cooperation, and jointly establish a high-level team demonstration of the cooperation between school enterprises, improve the key core technology, and promote the high-quality development of the enterprises with high-level teams.

On the afternoon, the chairman of the pavilion participated in the \"Entrepreneurial Classroom\" activity, gathered with more than 100 teachers and students to conduct a speech that \"no longer waiting\". Through more than an hour of communication, the chairman of the vision shared personal growth and the company's entrepreneurial process. From doing things, analyzing what kind of talents needed for future society, with their classmates, cherish the time, and fight for the tide of the times.


Tour Chairman Speech in Chairman

The cooperation between Nar Shares and colleges will be long-term and in-depth. As one of the leading companies in the industry, Nardon will contribute to the industry talents, shaping the composite, innovative, and high-quality talents that meet the development needs of the times.

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