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Together with Alibaba cloud computing, NAR embarked on a new journey of digitization

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-05-25      Origin: Site

Recently, the signing ceremony for the comprehensive cooperation between NAR and Alibaba cloud was successfully held at NAR's headquarters. You Aiguo, chairman of NAR, and relevant leaders and key project personnel led by Huang Haiqing, vice president of Alibaba group and vice president of Alibaba cloud attended the ceremony, marking that NAR entered a new stage of digital transformation.



During the ceremony, chairman You Aiguo delivered a speech. He first thanked the Alibaba cloud team for their presence. In the complex, changeable and unpredictable environment, it is difficult for enterprises to survive, so NAR people always adhere to the working attitude of diligence and dedication and the down-to-earth spirit of hard work. He stressed that digital transformation is the trend of the times. Only by realizing transformation can we survive in the new era. Finally, he expressed his expectation for this cooperation project and hoped to work with Alibaba cloud to build this project into an industry benchmark.


Huang Haiqing, vice president of Alibaba group, said in his speech that how to combine the technology of technology companies with the industry of industrial companies is the pain point of technology companies. This cooperation is not only the direction to solve the pain points, but also a good beginning. Alibaba cloud team is confident to provide solutions for the digital transformation of NAR , and is more confident to build a benchmark with the joint efforts of NAR people and Alibaba cloud team.


Subsequently, Ma Jiji, President of NAR , and Li Wei, general manager of the new retail industry of Alibaba cloud Shanghai Branch, signed a cooperation agreement in the presence of leaders and important project members of both parties.


Finally, chairman You Aiguo and vice president Huang Haiqing jointly unveiled the joint brand plan, officially opening the prelude to the in-depth cooperation.


In the process of intellectualization in the past few years, NAR has realized the comprehensive online operation of the enterprise, optimized the internal operation process and greatly improved the work efficiency. This year, NAR has entered its 20th year, and the transformation of digital management has also entered a stage of rapid development.

As the world's leading cloud computing and artificial intelligence technology company, Alibaba cloud has successfully provided intelligent transformation services for many large enterprises and built intelligent manufacturing, intelligent logistics and intelligent management systems for many enterprises.

With this powerful platform, NAR will build its own industrial intelligence system, further promote the digital and intelligent level of its production and management, further promote the implementation of the strategic strategy of "reducing cost and increasing efficiency, optimizing product structure and enhancing organizational efficiency", provide a strong digital system process for the ultimate improvement of profitability, and insert digital wings into the operation and development of the group, Soar in the new digital era.

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