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The online exchange activity of "20th Anniversary Celebration" of NAR ended successfully

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-01-11      Origin: Site

December 28th, 2022 is NAR’s 20th birthday. On this day worthy of celebration, NAR’s “20th anniversary celebration” online communication was held in NAR headquarters in the form of live broadcast. The event invited several entrepreneurs and industry elites to focus on future development and look forward together to the road of future business progress. The live site attracted many NAR colleagues, partners and friends from all walks of life to attend and the highest number of visits exceeded 7,000 times.


The online exchange event, led by the speech of NAR's CEO Yang Jiantang. He briefly reviewed NAR's achievements in the field of advertising materials and automotive aftermarket, and said that in the optimization and iteration of the product line, we will actively lay out new areas of coating technology. He also expressed the original purpose of holding this event, “how to find the road to business development in a global situation full of uncertainty”. He then announced the start of the event, which began with the 2022 NAR’s annual recognition session to thank the outstanding individuals, teams and partners for their hard work and support over the year.

Guests’ views


Andres Lyon, Chairman and Jose Andres Lyon, General Manager from PAPIRO, Chile, George J. Bartko, Sr. co-founder of NUPRO, USA, and A.K,Ajmera, founder of ADITYA, India, shared their achievements in cooperation with Nar and wishes for Nar's 20th anniversary.


General manager of Thailand NAR, Wu Zhen shared his point of view in the “international NAR”, that the international road of NAR is inseparable from the continuous cultivation and attempts. The completion of Thailand Nar is the starting point for Nar to complete the internationalization 1.0 and move towards 2.0.


General manager of Beijing Shunna, Li Guang took “The advertising materials industry opportunities after the harsh winter” as the theme, said that the impact towards advertising materials industry in the epidemic has been evident. In the three years, the business management ability of enterprises has encountered a great test. With the liberalization of policies, new opportunities began to present themselves, and the adjustment and innovation of business operation and management strategies is a crucial part of the future survival and development of enterprises.


Tu Shiyuan, deputy general manager of INKBANK Graphics, shared “The Past, Present and Future of INKBANK Graphics”. INKBANK Graphic has been working in the field of inkjet ink for many years, always taking research and development as the core of progess, and has made a lot of achievements, completing the layout of two tracks in OA office field and textile digital printing field, and has become an excellent solution provider in both fields. He believes that sticking to the core competitiveness and continuously exploring new areas is one of the important keys to its own development and serving more customers.

Chairman's Keynote Sharing


After the wonderful blessings and sharing of all the online guests, NAR’s Chairman You Aiguo shared with the theme of “Growing us”. He fondly recalled the important history of the establishment of NAR till now, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to these colleagues, partners, leaders from all walks of life and other friends who have fought together in NAR’s 20 years’ development, along with the sincere wishes for the new year.


Then he summarized six NAR’s growth experience: namely, the strategic long-termism, tactical refinement, forging a team capable of fighting, the ultimate efficiency of operation, people-oriented focus on talent training to create a career platform for employees, emphasis of innovation and paying attention to research and development investment, promotion of technological innovation and product iteration, and constantly condense the corporate culture to form a good corporate atmosphere and “customer first” service concept.


This is the methodology that Chairman You Aiguo has summarized and refined over the years in the development of the enterprise to move forward against the grain. Standing at the node of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the enterprise, he hopes that all team members can realize that "problems are opportunities", and there will be answers if we do it. Only growth is safe, and only through continuous growth can we deal with the endless "uncertainty". Problems that let people feel uneasy, will also be the driving force to promote our growth. Finally, he put forward Nar's future development concept of "Follow the trend", looking forward to all colleagues to work together for NAR's next wonderful 20 years and cheer!

Ideas Collision Roundtable



The exchange will enter the finale of the important link "the idea collision roundtable", the roundtable invited the CEO of PLKT and the well-known financial person Luo Xiaojun, independent director of NAR and Universal water purification technology, chairman Wang Tie, director of Nar, founder of HuiYan Investment, Jiaotong University Antai School of Management special adjunct professor Chen Ranfang, Nal Ltd. co-founder and CEO Yang Jiantang, and Xie Mingxing, head of the brand department of Nar's protective film division, with Dr. Luo Xiaojun serving as moderator.


In the roundtable, the guests expressed their views, from the actual macroeconomic situation, global market changes and other realities, and gradually discussed in depth the development of Nar in the existing field and the outlook for the future development track. In the clash of ideas, the topic began with the “reliable” qualities of Nar's founding team, and gradually discussed how to seek the second growth curve of the enterprise and explore the new development value of the enterprise, suggesting deeper and broader industrial expansion around the main business relevance areas, to ensure the successful transformation of new projects, to avoid large risks. The guests also shared their own experiences from their respective fields, and jointly explored insights through the harsh winter to provide new momentum for themselves and their colleagues to move forward together. Through the collision of thinking, a wonderful feast of ideas was offered for the event.


Finally, the "20th anniversary celebration" online communication activities came to a conclusion in the blessing of the anniversary. As the world landscape changes dramatically, the global market is constantly in turmoil, and the domestic market is facing many uncertainties, NAR will adhere to long-termism, plow deeper into the main business, stick to the original intention, continue to forge itself, keep pace with the times, and work with partners to seek more space for future development!

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