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The first R & D project of NAR industrial Co., Ltd. and Changshu science, technology, industry, University and research cooperation base was officially put into production

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-12-18      Origin: Site

On Saturday, November 17, 2018, the first interior decoration digital printing material jointly developed by NAR. and Changshu Institute of technology production university research cooperation base was put into production successfully

The product was approved at the end of 2016. In the past two years, under the leadership of President Ma Jiji, it has made continuous breakthroughs. In May this year, Professor Wang, the leader of the cooperation base of production, learning and research, Changshu Institute of technology, began to participate in the project. The technology research and development and production process of the project have leaped to a new level. At the same time, Ma Jiji, President, Qian Xiabin, director of production and operation, Wu Zhen, president assistant and director of product department, and Chen Xing, project leader, also organized R & D and production meetings for many times, deepened product R & D and production work, and finally realized the independent production of the product.


The product has a good use experience, strong ink absorption, fast drying speed, and convenient construction. At the same time, it also has a good environmental protection. It not only enriches NAR's product line, fills in the blank, but also provides consumers with a new excellent choice for interior decoration.

Before production, Professor Wang emphasized the production process ↑

Qian Xiabin, production and operation director, emphasizes production requirements ↑

In production, Professor Wang teaches the key points of practical operation ↑

Innovation is the gene of NAR. As early as 2008, NAR was rated as a high-tech enterprise in Shanghai. In the development of many years, NAR established industry standards and led the industry development. NAR has always insisted on in-depth cooperation with professional talents and academic teams.


The success of the production project of indoor adhesive material is the result of the joint construction of the production, teaching and research cooperation base with Changshu Institute Of Technology and the establishment of in-depth cooperation.

Staff under development ↑

I believe that with the deepening of cooperation, the industry university research cooperation base will further play its huge positive role, not only to achieve the practical transformation of advanced technology, to create an ideal platform for emerging talents, but also to make its contribution to the development of the industry!

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