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The first "Haina Association" held successfully

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-05-31      Origin: Site

On May 27, 2021, the first "Haina Association" of NAR Co., Ltd. was successfully held in Tai'an with the theme of "Keeping company with the wise and walk with the good", which officially announced the establishment of a communication platform marking the mutual cooperation of manufacturers. This platform will become a place gathering for elites in the industry and create momentum for exploring more future possibilities. This time, 24 founding members and NAR people gathered at the foot of Mount Tai to celebrate the success of the first Haina Association.


Haina Association officially established

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Shen Weifeng, vice president of NAR, explained to the founding members what "Haina Association" is, as well as the original intention of "Haina Association". While emphasizing the significance of Haina Association as a communication platform for manufacturers, this paper interprets in more detail the membership criteria and regulations of Haina Association.


Speech by Shen Weifeng, vice president of NAR ↑

Then, with warm applause, You Aiguo, chairman of NAR, presented membership certificates to 24 founding members. At the same time, with the theme of "future development direction and layout", starting from the development process of NAR since its establishment, he introduced NAR's business territory, development projects and objectives in detail, elaborated the company's development strategy of "one integrity, two wings, two wheels drive", showed NAR's development blueprint, and shared with the members that in the ever-changing era, NAR's development strategy of "one integrity two wings, two wheel drive", Three elements of enterprise management.

Experience sharing among founding members

More members shared their experiences, Liu Lichun, the general manager of Shandong Chuncheng Cultural Media Co., Ltd., as the representative of the founding member, first shared the "Chuncheng's growth road". He told the story of Shandong Chuncheng, which was founded in 2000. It has developed from a small shop with two couples to an all-round enterprise with more than 300 employees, integrating wholesale, retail, processing and production. Over the years, Shandong Chuncheng has always maintained the spirit of "mountain Porter" and taken every step of the way down-to-earth. After the cooperation with NAR, it has a rapid development. It's not easy to start a business. Behind all the achievements, there are unknown efforts and sweat


Speech by Liu Lichun, general manager of Shandong Chuncheng culture media Co., Ltd ↑

Later, another founding member, Li Guang, general manager of Beijing Shunna New Material Technology Co., Ltd., shared the development history of the company,the problems he faced during the development and the experiences of how to successfully transform while solving the problems. Now Beijing Shunna is positioned as a "high-end digital inkjet printing material service provider" and has successfully provided a comprehensive service scheme from materials to inkjet ink for many customers in the deep cooperation of NAR.


Speech by Li Guang, general manager of Beijing Shunna New Material Technology Co., Ltd ↑

Finally, Yang Jiantang, executive president of NAR,further elaborated the original intention and significance of establishing Haina Association, and detailed explanation on the changes of industry, market difficulties and NAR's countermeasures. In the continuous changes of industry and economic environment, Haina Association would shoulder the responsibility between NAR decision-making level and core partners, and also marked the determination of NAR and core dealers to break the situation together, strengthen core competitiveness and develop new development areas.


Speech by Yang Jiantang, CEO of NAR ↑

Member brainstorming

After  the brainstorming, the warm atmosphere filled the whole conference room. All the members expressed their views on the current situation and their ideas and plans for future development. The contents of the exchange includes the current product quality, product packaging, sales strategy, brand competition in the industry, brand operation planning and positioning and other aspects. Members talked freely, updated more ideas during the exchanging.


Then, under the leadership of Wei Lingli, sales director of NAR sales marketing center, You Aiguo, chairman of NAR , issued membership cards to the members.


Climb up the Mount Tai

On the second day of the meeting, NAR people and founding members of Haina Association climbed up Mount Tai together. In the beautiful scenery of Mount Tai, we encouraged each other and worked hard. With sweat and smile, we can reach the top of Mount Tai hands in hands and have a nice view of the unique beauty of the Five Mountains. The bridge of friendship between NAR people and their members 

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Two days’ gathering passed quickly, but NAR and his partners' bridge of friendship was getting stronger. HNA will be the platform for NAR's decision-making and core dealers to communicate with them, and also a platform for communication and cooperation, and will hold regular member activities every year. NAR will take more responsibility for the development of the industry with all members of the HNA Association and develop a wider future!



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