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The 20th anniversary celebration party of NAR has come to a successful end!

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-13      Origin: Site

On the afternoon of June 17, 2023, the 20th anniversary celebration ceremony of NAR's "Twenty Years of Prosperity, Thinking of a New Future" was grandly held in Shanghai. Chairman You Aiguo and other company leaders summarized and shared the achievements of the past 20 years, and enjoyed and planned the future development path. This evening party also specially invited over 400 people, including government leaders, investor partners, domestic and foreign clients, suppliers, other partners, middle and senior management personnel of the company, and senior employee representatives. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who have provided support and assistance during the 20 year development process of NAR.


Growing us

After enjoying the cool Laser lighting display opening and elaborately produced 20th anniversary promotional video, Professor Wang Yufeng, General Manager of NAR Technology R&D Center, first brought environmental innovative material research and shared the Brief Analysis of NAR Scientific Research Direction, which described the demand and prospect of the current market for environmentally sustainable products in simple terms, and briefly described the POE materials, PLA materials The innovative ideas for projects in the field of environmentally friendly new products such as NON-P materials and hydrogen core materials demonstrate the company's technological advantages and industrial layout in key areas.


Subsequently, Dr. Shen Weifeng, Vice President and General Manager of the Digital Center of the company, combined with NAR's digital construction to share "Digital Intelligence Integration, Innovative Future". He vividly depicts the positive changes that have taken place in various factories and departments to improve organizational operational efficiency under the support of digitalization, focusing on the intelligent factory and OA office platform being built by the company. He cheers for NAR Group to build digitalization 2.0 and look forward to digitalization 3.0.


Amidst the expectations of the guests, You Aiguo, Chairman of NAR, delivered a keynote speech titled "Growing Us" on stage.

Chairman You Aiguo's speech is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is "Entrepreneurship". Mr. You briefly reviewed the 20 year history of entrepreneurship, passionately recounted the wonderful moments that were worth reminiscing about, and expressed heartfelt gratitude to the many fighters who emerged during NAR's growth process, as well as the relevant governments and partners who provided support and assistance.

In the second chapter "Growth Chapter", Chairman You Aiguo summarized six valuable management and operation suggestions based on his own experience and experience, and shared them with all the guests present. He encouraged friends in the industry to bravely face various opportunities and challenges in the current market environment, continue to work hard, and achieve their goals and ideals as soon as possible.

In the third chapter, "Go with the flow," Chairman You Aiguo announced to all guests the development map and implementation path of NAR Group for the next 20 years, emphasizing that NAR will follow the concept of sustainable development and adapt to constantly changing market demands. In the future, NAR will focus on technology empowerment, increase investment in innovative research and development, and focus on achieving low-carbon and environmentally friendly production development. At the same time, we vigorously promote the digital strategy, with intelligent manufacturing as the direction of the company's transformation and development, and take building an efficient and energy-saving ESG leading company as our own responsibility, striving to become a century old store with an everlasting foundation

At the end, Chairman You Aiguo shared with the guests his values and methodology of turning anxiety into motivation and problems into opportunities in the face of adversity, urging all colleagues not to be afraid of impermanence, to cultivate growth, and to cheer for NAR's next twenty years.

Chairman You Aiguo's friendly, sincere, and witty speech received bursts of applause from the audience.



Mr. Mao Youhua of Orient Securities Underwriting Recommendation Co., Ltd. expressed his understanding of the 20th anniversary of NAR from the perspective of investor partners. He witnessed the successful listing of NAR and praised the down-to-earth and pragmatic spirit of NAR people. At the same time, he wished NAR could create another brilliant future.


Government leaders from Shanghai and Fengcheng have sent blessings to NAR. Zhang Shuji, Deputy Secretary of the Fengcheng Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Jiangxi Province, and Zhu Jing, Deputy Mayor of Xinchang Town in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, successively took the stage to deliver speeches. They expressed their gratitude for the positive contributions of NAR Group to local economic development and social employment, and put forward prospects and expectations for the establishment of deeper cooperation between government departments and NAR Group in the future



Partner representatives also brought exciting sharing. Feng Chengping, Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu Oji Paper Company Co., Ltd., Li Guang, General Manager of Beijing Shunna New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Yasin Merchant, CEO of SIGNTRADE INTERNATIONAL FZCO, a partner of the United Arab Emirates, and Liu Chun, General Manager of Wuxi Zero Distance Automotive Service Co., Ltd., delivered speeches on the stage to share the details of cooperation with NAR. Among them, Mr. Yasin Merchant specially presented a medal to NAR, expressing his gratitude for the long-term, stable, and deep cooperation between the two parties over the years. He also expressed his sincere wishes for NAR's 20th anniversary.





Wonderful performance

Accompanied by the rumbling drums from the performance of "Encouragement", the large screen flickers with light and shadow, presenting one corporate culture symbol after another.


The poetry recitation performance "NAR Towards the Future" led by Chairman You Aiguo and 9 members of the senior core management team, paired with appropriate sand painting performances and melodious background music, tells the story of NAR Group's growth and ups and downs over the past 20 years, as if leading the audience back to their passionate and hardworking entrepreneurial days.


The fiery "Tiktok Dance" ignited the passion of the audience as soon as it came on the stage. The energetic dance movements and dynamic music perfectly demonstrated the vitality of young people.


The classic program "San Ju Ban" by NAR Corporation combines the daily life of the company with the 20th anniversary content, bringing a dazzling feeling to the audience.


Karaoke experts from Shanghai NAR and Nantong Baina brought songs such as Chinoiserie style "Wujiapo 2023", melodious and lyrical "Jiangnan", and passionate "Good Morning Longhui". The songs curled up in the ears, which was a great audio-visual feast.


Professional folk music actors have presented multiple classic pieces, showcasing the unique music culture of the Chinese nation through the fusion of various Chinese ethnic instruments and modern music.


The clothing performance "Cheongsam Love" brought by the female employees of NAR Group vividly showcases the elegance of traditional cheongsam and the charm of women.


Sichuan Opera Face Changing showcases traditional ethnic skills and draws applause from overseas partners. The production of 'Auspicious Treasure' from the manufacturing center is full of wit and humor, bringing joy to the audience with its cheerful performance, and also drawing a complete conclusion to the entire evening performance.



Award segment

This evening party also presents awards to employees and partners who have made outstanding contributions in the twenty year development process of Nar Group, thanking them for the support and assistance they have provided to NAR Group along the way. It is precisely because of their existence that NAR can become better and better, and their determination to achieve the centenary goal will become even stronger. At the same time, a large number of carefully prepared congratulatory gifts were also delivered to the lucky guests present through four rounds of lucky draw. Everyone took a group photo as a souvenir, and the scene was filled with laughter and joy.



Contribution Award Received by Employees ↑


Partner Award ↑


Awards in the on-site lottery segment ↑

With the sound of "Song of NAR", the evening party officially came to an end. No matter how far you go, you will never forget the past you have walked through. This 20th anniversary celebration party is filled with memories of the past and gratitude and gratitude to those who have helped them, conveying expectations and prospects for moving towards the next twenty years. Surrounded by delicious food and wine, and accompanied by exciting programs, NAR's friendly relationship with his partners has become increasingly firm and profound. In the future, under the guidance of the corporate culture concept of "serving the world with sincerity and trust", NAR Group will continue to fulfill its mission of "being a true and affordable, achieving customers, and becoming a small and beautiful century old enterprise", and continuously grow and strive to achieve the century old goal.

- END -


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