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The 2023 Management Trainee Training Team Building Activity Successfully Ends

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-08-08      Origin: Site

The poet Wang Guozhen wrote in his work "Love of Life", "I don't think about whether I can succeed. Since I have chosen a distant place, I only focus on both wind and rain. What is love for life? It is' Just do good things, don't think about the future ', it is also' let nature take its course, grow savagely ', in short, it is' live in the present, be down-to-earth'.


For the new generation of management trainees who initially joined NAR, they have stepped out of the ivory tower of sheltering from the wind and rain, come into contact with completely different knowledge and skills, and face new challenges. Perhaps they are confused about the direction of progress in their hearts, and do not know how to grow and progress smoothly.

The 2023 management trainee program is currently the largest recruitment program for NAR, with 19 university graduates joining in the first half of the year. Under the arrangement of the HR department and coordination among various departments, 35 training sessions were conducted based on the company's situation and work skills, with a total duration of nearly 50 hours, laying the foundation for the growth of management trainees. Facing these youth , Chairman You Aiguo guided them through discussions and shared his thoughts and insights on "loving life" - growth lies in loving life, and loving life is loving life.

Don't worry about the future without a confidant

Young people have infinite vitality and passion, and it is time to take advantage of this golden age to gradually broaden the narrow paths in life. When you first enter society, you need to see a broader world. Chairman You Aiguo lamented that contemporary youth often spend a lot of time and energy on mobile phones, linger in the illusory anime world, and gradually become self enclosed and disconnected from society. Therefore, Chairman You Aiguo earnestly expects every member of the 23rd management trainee to go out and see more, make more friends, and have more hobbies, becoming the master of life.


Chairman You Aiguo also gave comments on the movie "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an". The protagonist, Gao Shi, comes from a noble family and hopes to have a big fight, but he encounters obstacles everywhere, and his martial arts skills are useless. Returning to Liangyuan to study and train diligently, he joined the army and became a soldier. Finally, he had the opportunity to stand out in the turbulent times, contributing to the country and achieving remarkable military achievements, ushering in the glory of life.

Similarly, at present, NAR is just an ordinary member of the thousands of enterprises in the country, and NAR people are just ordinary people from humble backgrounds. With a down-to-earth spirit of hard work and unremitting efforts, NAR has grown all the way and has endured 21 years of ups and downs. For management trainees, although 'heading straight to Chang'an and knocking on the door of the emperor' is inevitable, as long as they continue to learn, dare to innovate, take the initiative to break out of their comfort zone, confidently face work and life, and believe that 'there will always be a day when they can blurt out the beauty in their hearts'.

NAR always adheres to the concept of embracing all rivers and seas, widely absorbing and introducing excellent management trainees, providing a stage for everyone to showcase their talents. People are the foundation of enterprise development, and the construction of talent teams is the foundation of evergreen trees. Through the teaching system, every management trainee can be taught and succeed in their studies. Trainees should also take the initiative to learn and consult with their teachers, and the more they put in, the greater their gains. The inheritance and promotion of NAR culture and excellent methodology have been ensured through generations of inheritance and promotion of the old and the new.

Meeting at the top of the mountain, taking a glance at the small mountains

Every management trainee is required to undergo a rotation internship after joining the company. By studying and understanding the processes and methods of company organization and operation in departments such as production, sales, research and development, and delivery, they can master the necessary knowledge and skills in their work, laying a solid foundation for doing their job well in the future. And active learning after being assigned to a position is equally important. Now is the best time to overtake on a curve. You need to learn to combine the knowledge of your student days with the skills in practical work, and integrate your own strengths in personality, family, and experience into a unique "Gaojia Gunmanship". Continuously hone, strive for excellence, fill your weaknesses, and arm yourself with excellent skills and firm beliefs, making the "narrow" field of professional skills even narrower. Life is like morning dew, fleeting in a blink of an eye. It is even more important to seize time and seize every moment.

At the same time, we need to broaden our thinking, dare to innovate, pursue something, and do our best to create value. The younger generation has more meta thinking and more advanced methodology, and puts them into action, constantly practicing, daring to try and make mistakes, daring to do practical things, combining theory with practice, and making the path forward wider.

Of course, Chairman You Aiguo also advised all the management trainees present to learn to lower expectations, but not to give up pursuit. Having the ideal belief of "being such a prosperous person and being a great roc" is certainly a good thing, but reality is never smooth sailing. Li Bai, who had a potbellied stomach, mocked himself as' that big roc can't fly anymore ', while Gao Shi, who was willing to be a scholar, laughed off the idea of' redundant son-in-law '. Learn to compromise with ideals and life, reduce anxiety, because happiness is the true essence of life. To look up at the starry sky, one must be more down-to-earth. Struggling in society, not seeking great wealth and nobility, as long as you are worthy of yourself, you will have a clear conscience.

Cross the mountains and seas, and finally see the dawn. Grow together and strive together. This is the last encouragement and expectation from Chairman You Aiguo to the new people. Chairman You Aiguo also looks forward to the 2023 management trainees, like the previous seniors, growing rapidly and continuously improving, becoming the backbone of NAR's development and progress in the next twenty years, and realizing their ideals and aspirations as soon as possible. All members of the management trainees present warmly applauded Chairman You Aiguo's earnest teachings.

The light boat has crossed the mountains

Subsequently, Yang Jiantang, the CEO, told the story of joining NAR and starting a tough business, leading the members of the management team along the river of time to relive the glorious years that have come along the way in the past 21 years. The initial anticipation of joining NAR, the anxiety of attending an exhibition for the first time abroad, and the joy of successfully winning customer recognition for the first order. These numerous' firsts' are precious life experiences for General Yang Jiantang, and also valuable experiences worth learning and learning from for every new member of NAR Group.


In General Yang Jiantang's story, there are also many interesting events that occurred during the entrepreneurial process of NAR and his confusion and choices when he first entered society. Through vivid and humorous language, he quickly drew closer to the members of the management trainees. Upon hearing these sincere words, the management trainees felt so happy, and their anxieties and concerns about future work slowly melted like ice and snow. They gained a deeper understanding of the past and present lives of NAR, and also increasingly admired the determination, courage, and perseverance of Chairman You Aiguo and General Manager Yang Jiantang to establish and lead NAR Group to continue developing and growing.

It's the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan

After lunch, everyone gathered and set off to get to know Shanghai and Pudong. The Bund has witnessed the ten mile ocean market of the old Shanghai and the rapid development and construction of Pudong. The Huangpu River flows silently, telling the past and present life of this "adventurer's paradise".


Walking on the bustling pedestrian street, one can see the bustling traffic, bustling with fashionable men and women, foreign friends, and tourists from all directions, constantly coming and going. This is the birthplace of Shanghai style culture, which is synonymous with the sea embracing all rivers. Take a sightseeing bus and indulge in the interplay of Western architecture and Eastern culture, experiencing the infinite charm of an international metropolis. The sea breeze gently blows, bringing cool and refreshing to the scorching summer. Looking up at the railing, it was as if one could see cargo ships honking their sirens, carrying NAR's products to the other side of the ocean.

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The shutter flashed, recording the smiles and unforgettable moments on the faces of the trainees. Whether they were about to head to Nantong or Fengcheng, they all left memories of Shanghai at this moment. Taste a cold and refreshing ice cream, hold a cup of sweet and thirst quenching milk tea, laughed and laughed, and walked and stopped. I believe that the experience of sightseeing and the increasingly close friendship between companions on this day will become a valuable asset in their future work and life.

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After a hot and sumptuous Chongqing hot pot meal, it's still early morning. Go to the cinema together to explore the mystery of "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an". Everyone has their own Chang'an in their hearts, and they are walking the 30000 mile journey to Chang'an. What kind of person will one become in the future? Is it like Gao Shi, Li Bai, and Du Fu to be remembered with great grandeur for the world, or is it like ordinary people to live their lives calmly and lightly? For the newcomers of the management trainees present, if they are just starting out and have a long remaining life, they will definitely not be able to give an answer at this time.

But whether the future is smooth or muddy, as long as you love life, everything is expected.

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