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New products launch! NAR PPF, color paint protective film was grandly released

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-09-29      Origin: Site

On September 15, 2021, "NAR PPF Cup" autumn 2021 of Aetna Golf Club of Shanghai Communication University and "NAR PPF color paint protective film products press conference" were grandly held in Shanghai Palm Beach Seaview Golf Club.

There is nothing comparable to this traditional color paint protective film which is made of TPU material, and two functions of color changing and paint protection. The PVC color paint protective film has long warranty. Its self repairing function is beyond the expectations of PVC color paint protective film.

The new products released this time include 2 series of "gilt glow color DC" and "color TPU", with a total of 9 color numbers. The main display color number of this time is "green alum and bright green". The gorgeous and bright color and excellent product quality have been fully displayed through exquisite publishing methods

Soon after the activity began, the scene ushered in a high popularity. The display of products attracted a lot of attention, and the guests took group photos in front of the sign in wall. The event was kicked off by Yang Jiantang, executive CEO of NAR . Under his auspices, the color balls rose in the blue sky and the game officially began.

Yang Jiantang, CEO of NAR, gave a kick-off speech ↑

In the drizzle, everyone was enthusiastic. Golf umbrella with NAR PPF sign protects every player from the wind and rain in the drizzle, so that the players could enjoy the joy of swing.

After the wonderful golf game, the expected dinner and product press conference officially opened. Ma Jiji, CEO of NAR , made a speech on the stage. He expressed the joy of gathering together with many colleagues and briefly introduced the origin of "NAR PPF" brand.

Subsequently, under the auspices of Wang Jing, brand director of NAR PPF, a new product - "NAR PPF color paint protective film" was officially released. After briefly introducing the history and product characteristics of paint protective film, this paper expounds the layout planning of NAR's online and offline industries in the PPF market, which fully shows NAR's determination and confidence to deeply cultivate in this industry.

Speech by Ma Jiji, CEO of NAR ↑

NAR PPF brand director Wang Jing introduces new products ↑

In the laughter throughout the dinner, various awards were given. The "total champion" of this event won the award of "NAR PPF paint protective film - free vehicle wrapping" presented by NAR .

After three years of development, NAR PPF has become one of the high-quality brands in the industry. The release of colored vehicle wrapping film marks the further stability of NAR's market position in the vehicle wrapping film industry, and also marks NAR's potential and determination to further explore and develop this market. More, newer and better products will be further introduced to the market and serve customers with the development of NAR and NAR PPF.

Color TPU car clothes vs PVC color modified film

At present, there are about two main types of automotive film that can be used for color changing, one is PVC vehicle wrapping film, and the other is color TPU vehicle wrapping film. Although they are all color film, there are still great differences.

Difference 1: different materials. The PPF is made of TPU, and the colored vehicle wrapping film is made of PVC. It is precisely because of TPU material that the vehicle wrapping film has many functions such as scratch resistance, self- repair, corrosion resistance, yellowing resistance, oxidation resistance and so on; These are not available for PVC color film.

Difference 2: different manufacturing processes. The selection requirements of coating, substrate and glue of vehicle wrapping film are very high, and the requirements of manufacturing process are more strict, while the manufacturing difficulty of colored vehicle wrapping film is much less.

Difference 3: different warranty. At present, the warranty of PPF is generally more than five years, while the warranty of colored vehicle wrapping film is usually two to five years.

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