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Nar's 5th Double 12 Shopping Festival came to a successful conclusion!

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-01-11      Origin: Site

On the morning of December 12, 2022, the fifth 12.12 shopping festival of NAR came to a successful conclusion. The festival with the theme of "five years of wind and rain together, 10,000 miles to break the waves", in the form of online live broadcast, attracted about 800 elites in the industry to watch. The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was extraordinarily enthusiastic, partners from all over the country have sent their blessings, while expressing their support and love for NAR products.


NAR’s chairman, You Aiguo gave the opening speech of the live broadcast activities. He first expressed his gratitude to the dealer partners and industry colleagues, then he reviewed the efforts NAR people made this year in order to respond to the changes in the environment, such as the opening of new factories in Thailand and Fengcheng, Jiangxi, the entering into new areas and promoting refinement, digital management etc. He firmly believes that through the cultivation of internal strength can lead to a better breakthrough innovation, so that NAR and partners can get onto the same boat, and meet the challenges and opportunities together.


Subsequently, NAR's CEO Yang Jiantang took the theme of the event as the starting point to an in-depth elaboration of NAR's development strategy, emphasizing that NAR always adheres to the industry empowerment, and sticks to its heart. After reviewing the challenges brought by changes in the domestic and foreign environment this year and Nar's response, he said that only cooperative development is the key to achieving market stability. As one of the industry leaders, Nar will make more efforts in production efficiency, brand service and operation management, further improve profitability, and work hand in hand with all partners to improve product competitiveness and share the dividends of deep market cultivation and innovation development.


This event also promulgated three major awards for this year's outstanding partners, which are "Key Product Expansion Award", "Annual Leadership Award" and "Sales Crown Award", and prepared surprising gifts for the awardees.


This year's event of double 12 is aimed at the promotion of removable adhesive and water glue products. Since the announcement of the promotion policy, the total sales of removable adhesive and water glue products have exceeded 100,000 rolls by 12:12 p.m. on the 12th.

The success of this event, has added a colorful stroke to the 20th anniversary of NAR. We hope that next year all partners can meet better development, and we look forward to working with partners, hand in hand, to serve more users, develop a larger market, and embrace a better future!

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