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Nar Shares held \"2021 annual business analysis and 2022 work deployment will \"

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-01-24      Origin: Site

One year is in spring. On January 19th, Nar Share held \"2021 annual business analysis and 2022 work deployment will be held on the morning of the 20th,\" 2022 Operating Plan Seminar \". The meeting brings together all senior executives of Nar Shares and all backbone members, which dismantles and deploy against 2021 operating results and 2022 development goals.

The meeting first affirmed the achievements made in 2021. Jiangxi Fengcheng Nar was established, Thailand Nar is put into production, the Group's organizational structure is initially innovating, the company's operating scale and production scale continue to expand, and all business data set new high ... In this short year, Nar Share created Good grades.

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Yang Jiantang, executive president of Nar Stock, is a opening report of this meeting. He pointed out that Narsear people have increased their ability to increase their profitability as an important thing. Around this core, the Narsen has created multiple new high in a severe environment, in a severe environment. At the same time, the organization architecture, the iteration and evolution of the organizational structure, the product structure, the layout of innovation business tracks, the implementation of internal partnerships, continued to introduce professional talents, and lay a solid foundation for 2022 years. He emphasized that in 2022, Nar will use \"upgrade profitability \" as a priority strategic objective, will depth, continuously promote the saving, open up new market, and continuously promote Nar's upward development.

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Executive president Yang Jiantang speech ↑

Subsequently, the general manager of Nar Shares and General Manager of the Finance Center conducted a 2021-year business data analysis. Through the depth of relevant indicators, the results and existing problems of the 2021 operation were analyzed, and the 2022 budget goals were decomposed, and the key points to be improved were decomposed.

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A strong team is an important cornerstone that is successful. At this meeting, the 28 functional departments of the groups in the group were reported on the 2021 part of the department. In the report, each department summed up the achievements of the past year, and at the same time, it is deeply analyzed in the work in the work, and an effective solution is proposed. It has made plans for 2022 work, and is full of confidence in achieving this year!

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Signing Ceremony

At this meeting, MA Chao Long, director of human resources, announced the latest organization architecture and promotion channel explanation. This structure is adjusted to support the development of the company's strategy, improve the principle of management efficiency and professional ability of departmental management, and continuously promote employees' effectiveness and happiness. Subsequently, the management of management, and the signing ceremony of the 2022 responsibility. Promote the hiring of the new middle and senior management personnel and enrich team strength. At the same time, the new year has implemented the relevant responsible departments.

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Issue a book (above the picture randomly selected) ↑

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Responsible book signing ceremony (above pictures randomly selected) ↑

After the ceremony, the President of Nar Shares made Ma Ji made a look at the work of 2022. He first analyzed the reasons for the achievements of 2021, as well as the challenges, further emphasized \"\" Extremely adding \"\" to improve the profitability \"\" Improve the importance of tissue efficiency \" It should be held in the center of the center, constantly dig, continuous improvement, and create new achievements.

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Chairman speaking

At the end of the meeting, the chairman of the chairman conducted a summary statement.

He first expressed \"Three Thank you \", thanks to this year, the full struggle of the Junar people; thanks to the selfless dedication of colleagues in the technical and quality department; thanks to the silence of employees of the functional department.

In the subsequent statements, he emphasizes that it is necessary to establish brand awareness, stimulate tissue performance, to forge and cultivate professional talents, improve the assessment system, and lead the corporate culture. He said, let \"Nar \" more convincing, let the brand feel deep into everyone's words, every detail of the working environment; let employees have loved work from their heart, let everyone know Your own payment will have a peer-to-peer return; to boldly appoint talents to achieve professional management; to put corporate culture into the heart, actively create a cultural atmosphere of good integrity, respect, innovation, and win-win.

At the same time, he pointed out that we must continue to dig all the three focuses on \"product structure \", \"organizational efficiency \", \"\", \",\" One step \",\" \"Do not make garbage \" spirit deep into the bone marrow, there is a continuous improvement of consciousness and enhancement efficiency awareness.

The meeting was finally played, and the chairman of the pavilion announced the new corporate culture. Nar Shares will be in \"goods, achieve customers, and do small and beautiful 100-year enterprises \" as the mission, \"Based on science and technology, creating a good space \" as the vision, and moved to the next 20 years of Narr Shares.

Finally, he once again thanked the efforts and efforts of Narnes many years. I look forward to the arrival of the 20th anniversary of Naren, I can create more brilliant achievements!

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Honor commendation

In the evening of the 19th, I entered the annual commendation meeting and dinner. In the expectation and warm applause, I awarded the annual work star, advanced team, excellent employees, excellent management, excellent cadres, excellent sectors, total 6 annual honors. All the Narmists present, congratulated them with a warm applause, thank them for their outstanding contributions in this year!

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Business plan seminars

On the morning of January 20, the \"2022 Operating Plan Seminar\" was held. The conference is still in the form of an open discussion in the form of an open discussion in the form of \"Improved Product Structure \", \"Improved Product Structure \", \"Improved Product Structure \", \"Improved Tissue Efficiency \", and is divided into six discussion groups.

I will give you a speech on how to further improve your own profitability in 2022. Subsequently, each group of representatives, summarized this team's recommendations of the 2022 business plan, from macro thinking, to implement details, content involved in various aspects of production, product control, marketing, operations, etc., to form a relevant action guidelines for deployment, implementation Advance. This meeting fully reflects the firm belief and determination of Nar core team members to further promote the development of the team!

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2022. The Narmire will continue to work, and if you don't want to meet the 20th anniversary of the 20th anniversary with excellent results, strive to create a new situation in a 20-year!

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