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Meeting in Fengcheng | The Second Haina Forum of NAR Successfully Ends

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-11-02      Origin: Site

On October 19, 2023, the second Haina Forum of NAR was held at Fengcheng NAR Technology Group Co., Ltd. The theme of this Haina Forum was "Breaking the Circle, Breaking the involution, Breaking the mode". 23 members of the Haina Forum attended to exchange ideas on the economic and industry development changes since 2023.


Fengcheng Factory Visit

On the morning of the 19th, members of the Haina Association, accompanied by Du Penglin, Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of the Supply Chain Management Center, visited the production workshop and intelligent logistics center of the Fengcheng factory on site. At the same time, they listened to the production capacity reports from four places of NAR Group, and gained a detailed understanding of NAR Group's plans for future production capacity development and NAR people's firm will and belief in creating intelligent factories.

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Theme sharing

After visiting the Fengcheng factory, members of the Haina Club gathered around. The chairman of NAR, You Aiguo, delivered a speech on the theme of "How to Welcome the Era of Great Changes" in this exchange.

He first briefly introduced the strategic development direction of NAR in recent years, which has been based on its own business, building a diversified development path, and encouraging internal entrepreneurship. Faced with external challenges, he stated that under the influence of factors such as the outbreak of AI technology, the slowdown of industry development, the fading of existing dividends, and the complex changes in geopolitical situations, we need to have the awareness of "facing difficulties and living from the dead".

He stated that NAR will respond to external challenges from both a "change" and a "unchanged" perspective. We will always adhere to the pursuit of a century old store, adhere to honest management, and provide high-quality and stable products with high cost-effectiveness. At the same time, we actively promote the "technological revitalization of enterprises", regard technological development as the strategic support for enterprise development, ensure stable quality, and deeply cultivate the field of coating. Further promote the system of the business unit, activate internal initiative, build an efficient innovation system, and achieve self innovation. In addition, he believes that safety and stability are one of the key points of enterprise operation at the current stage. Using digital information management methods, continuously refining management methods, improving efficiency, solving hidden dangers, while ensuring cash flow and stabilizing the positive operation of the enterprise.

Although the international economic and political situation is complex and ever-changing, Chairman You Aiguo still believes that we should maintain confidence in future development. The old dividends are receding, and new dividends are emerging. Management, technology, artificial intelligence, and other aspects will become opportunities for the future. We should stick to our position, persist in learning, innovate ourselves, and grow and develop in the tide of the times.


Chairman You Aiguo's Speech↑

The speech by Yang Jiantang, the CEO of NAR, revolved closely around the theme of "breaking the circle, breaking the involution, and breaking the situation". He believes that the current internal competition comes from economic downturn, declining industry growth, and irrational competition. By elaborating on the internal causes of the "roll", the idea of "breaking the involution" and the successful experience of members of the Haina Association are introduced. Some of them persistently explore new enterprise development models, some constantly explore new tracks, and some always adhere to their own development path. He stated that in the cold winter of the economy, when the industry enters stock competition, it is necessary to persist in optimizing and strengthening oneself, become a strong player in competition, actively seek a second development curve, and continuously explore new business models. In the face of difficulties, only by adhering to the spirit of "long-termism", persisting in self innovation, and moving forward with perseverance, can we cross the cycle and embrace the future.


Speech by CEO Yang Jiantang↑

In terms of future NAR product layout, Wei Lingli, the head of the Innovative Materials Division, provided a detailed introduction to the environmentally friendly series of non PVC materials, DTF film, and other products. Wang Qun, the sales manager of the marketing center, provided a detailed introduction to the transparent series developed with PET as the core material, further showcasing NAR's new product layout and its category composition

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Experience exchange

The original intention of the Haina Association was to establish a smoother communication channel and create a stage for experience sharing and common growth. This year's Haina Club has also welcomed four new members, whose joining is recognition of the Haina Club and an honor for the NAR people.


Subsequently, Li Guang, General Manager of Beijing Shunna New Materials Technology Co., Ltd., Guo Yalin, General Manager of Zhengzhou Xinshengda Advertising Materials Co., Ltd., and Gu Jie, General Manager of Suzhou Sijie Sanhe Advertising Materials Co., Ltd. shared their insights on business operations over the years and valuable experiences on how to achieve counter trend growth in the industry with internal competition.


Li Guang, General Manager of Beijing Shunna New Materials Technology Co., Ltd↑


Guo Yalin, General Manager of Zhengzhou Xinshengda Advertising Materials Co., Ltd↑


Gu Jie, General Manager of Suzhou Sijie Sanhe Advertising Materials Co., Ltd↑

Finally, Ma Zhuang, the manager of the marketing center, presided over the interactive communication session of the Haina Conference. More than twenty members of the Haina Association have put forward their own opinions on their own development, judgment of the future market, product development strategy, and product usage experience.

Haina Association is an open communication platform, and every suggestion is a valuable asset for the NAR people. NAR people will face all problems and challenges directly and provide effective solutions. NAR people have confidence and determination to provide the strongest support to their partners.

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Celebrate and gather together

In order to thank all members of the Haina Association for their support over the years, the NAR people carefully prepared exquisite gifts and a sumptuous dinner to celebrate this gathering, and also raised their glasses to wish for common development in the future.


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The second Haina Festival came to an end amidst laughter and communication. In the future, the Haina Club will be held for a long time, and every member of the Haina Club is our crucial partner. We believe that we can work together to overcome the economic winter and face opportunities and challenges. Draw your own blueprint in the future industry and market.

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