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"Keep innovation and link the future" ---------New Year's greetings of 2019 from Chairman You Aiguo from NAR Co.,Ltd

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-01-22      Origin: Site

16 years passed, NAR has been a graceful young boy, we keep forging ourselves, and NAR is becoming stronger and stronger! Thanks for this era, thanks for the struggle of NAR people, on the occasion of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, I wish all NAR people long life, happiness and well-being.

The theme of the 2018 annual meeting is "struggle with you". This year, we have well implemented this commitment. Through the hard work of NAR people, NAR achieved fruitful results in 2018. In terms of sales revenue, profitability, brand influence and customer recognition, NA performed well. Energy saving and consumption reduction, safety production and other fine management indicators have also made considerable progress. The construction of corporate culture has been fruitful, steadily promoted, and the cohesion of the enterprise has been improved. With the hard work of the asset and securities department and relevant colleagues, various investment projects have taken steady steps. Nantong Chemical project and Shenzhen INKBANK project was successfully invested and signed. These two projects are the top priority of NAR's strategic development. The projects invested by NAR media and Huier fund have also achieved good results in operation. At the same time, NAR has made a great breakthrough in technology research and development, and has made fruitful achievements in cooperation with universities.


NAR people's hard work and keeping pace with the times are the source and power of progress. In 2018, NAR well realized the transformation from human relationship management to system process management. Behind the achievements are the contributions of all NAR people. 

Thank you very much for your hard working !

The challenge we face in the new year is huge. The complex and changeable environment may make an enterprise disappear in an instant. There are many examples in front of us. The rapid development of mobile Internet economy has a profound impact on the traditional economy. In many industries, it is not the enterprises themselves that have problems, nor are they defeated by their peers, but are impacted by new technologies and models, and cross-border subversion has taken place. We are the most helpless in the face of these unknowns.

How to deal with these challenges? There is only one way, to make yourself better. If you are excellent enough, you will not be afraid of any difficulties. No matter how big the difficulties are, we will not be able to stop our progress! We have made a detailed doubling plan for the next four years, and these goals are the best way for us to deal with any difficulties.

The goal is not a slogan. We need to start from several aspects:




Pursue the bottom line of "integrity, honesty, and rectification of ourselves". We should be willing to contribute, diligent and studious, think more from other people's perspective, and do more things that are beneficial to others. NAR always takes it as his duty to help improve employees' happiness, which can never be measured by money! Over the years, we have been adhering to three beliefs: believe in the main business, believe in the team, and believe in our country and society. 




At present, the industry is full of the phenomenon of low quality,low price andlow technology, serious homogenization, price competition and less innovation.


Innovation is also NAR's weakness. There will be no future without changes. We must carry out all-round innovation and change from products, management, marketing to ideology. Not only iterative innovation, but also micro innovation, because work improvement is ubiquitous. It is the starting point of innovation to be willing to change from the heart and eliminate the past your self.


The industrial chain and ecological chain we build need to make full efforts in technology research and development, especially for the upcoming Nantong Chemical project. Without technology guidance, our goal will be mirage. The chain of new channels needs more innovation in ideology.


On January 18, 2019, we officially announced the "728 organizational structure" and set up seven operation centers, two business divisions and eight functional departments, which is even more innovative. Only an efficient organization can cast off restrictions and let NAR people make great achievements.


Only through constant innovation and creation, we can create excellent products to bring unique value to our customers and realize our dreams!


Professional focus


Mobile Internet enables everyone to enter the era of fragmentation. The concentration of individuals and enterprises is easy to disperse, and the development of companies is easy to be disturbed by all kinds of uncertain things, so we need to be more professional and focused, and focus on our main business


In 2019, we set the goal of "the domestic comparable market share of products reaches 40%", which is not only a great challenge to the sales department, but also a test of the company's core competitiveness


From marketing, technology research and development, production management, quality control to logistics service, we need a very professional and efficient level of work. Only when all NAR people devote themselves to studying all kinds of skills and improving their professional quality will they have a chance to win.


There is no shortcut to improve the technical level. We can't be a little sloppy and artful. We have to work hard and study hard. NAR should train talents from the aspects of management, professional and technical personnel, business experts, etc. to make the best of their talents.


2018 years is the year of in-depth implementation of the company's specialization, and there is also a great breakthrough in the standardization construction. In particular, the proportion of standard product sales exceeding 70% is a very good achievement, but it needs to be further improved, through product standardization, service standardization and management standardization to improve the operating efficiency.


Purple sea strategy of building "industrial chain, ecological chain and channel chain"


Nantong NAR chemical project is the most important layout of NAR industrial chain, striving to put into production as soon as possible. At that time, NAR's coating industry will be the company with the most complete industrial chain in the global industry, more importantly, it is necessary to increase technical investment, especially the adhesive technology to become the global leader.


Ecological chain" is NAR's starting point in 19 years. Through investment or business cooperation, the goal is to achieve more than 100% growth, rapidly expand and make the whole product, improve the ceiling of the industry, and break the limitation of too single product.。

 "Channel chain" is an innovative mode based on the main business, not a traditional chain store, but a quality management system through introducing NAR products and brand authorization into the dealer system. Through the information and data access, realize the comprehensive docking of marketing service management, improve the cash flow of partners through capital investment, implement the upgrading and transformation of stores, help customers realize the multiplication of business value, and then build an open platform to march towards the industrial Internet.

NAR people have lofty aspirations and are down-to-earth. We need to go further and build a century old store, but we can't go half a step forward without strong willpower, strong sense of responsibility and pursuit.

We have set a super high goal for the development of the enterprise. The task is arduous. We can't have any hesitation or nap time. NAR people to "keep innovation, link the future" to start a new journey, NAR's tomorrow will be better!


Finally, I wish you a happy new year and a happy family!

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