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Focus on epidemic prevention and production protection", NAR held the first online quarterly business analysis meeting

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-05-25      Origin: Site

Since the end of March, Shanghai has entered a silence state. In order to fully implement various epidemic prevention policies and maintain the orderly operation of production and operation, NAR people have set up an epidemic prevention team in the factory, and all departments have made every effort to overcome various difficulties and provide a strong guarantee for the normal operation of production.

On April 20, NAR Co., Ltd. held the first quarter business analysis meeting. A total of more than 70 middle and senior cadres from Shanghai, Nantong and Thailand participated in the meeting online.

At the meeting, the achievements of  NAR since March were affirmed, the work of the first quarter was reviewed, the action objectives of the second quarter were put forward, and the key work of this year was re mobilized and redeployed.


Summary report of representatives of each center

At the meeting, you Aijun, the chief financial officer, objectively and carefully analyzed the operating results in the first quarter of 2022 from the aspects of operating income and expenses.

Subsequently, the heads of the business departments of the marketing center, represented by Yang Jiantang, general manager of the marketing center, analyzed the work results in their respective market areas, summarized the successful experience, found the causes of the problems, and formulated the next action plan.

Du penglin, deputy director of supply chain center, reviewed the general situation and changes of production capacity, inventory turnover and raw material supply in the first quarter. On behalf of the digital center, vice president Shen Weifeng focused on the digital process of Shanghai factory and the construction plan of NAR digital intelligent factory.

Wang Xianwei, director of the technology R & D center, explained the R & D Progress in Q1 and introduced the important R & D matters and arrangements in the second quarter. Liu Song, director of the manufacturing center, reported the production situation in the first quarter on behalf of the production and operation team. In addition to the stable and normal production during the epidemic period, we will continue to make every effort to promote the optimization of resource utilization and the improvement of production quality.

Subsequently, President Ma Jiji made a speech. He fully affirmed the achievements made in the first quarter. At the same time, he focused on the work objectives of the second quarter, that is, continue to promote cost reduction and efficiency, continuously promote the optimization of product structure and continuously improve organizational efficiency. In addition, the staff who stayed in the factory for a long time during the epidemic and made important contributions to ensuring production were emphatically praised.


Chairman's speech

At the end of the meeting, chairman You Aiguo summarized the meeting and put forward requirements for future work.

He said that in the face of the complex and severe external environment, the NAR people have overcome various difficulties, not only ensuring normal production and operation, but also creating new achievements, which stems from the NAR people's spirit. This online conference also has special significance in this context.

At the same time, he also pointed out that although the first quarter ushered in a relatively stable start, in the face of complex external situation and changeable unstable factors, we need to continue to improve the courage and enterprising spirit of taking the initiative, become a learning and growth team, firmly grasp weak weaknesses and long-term layout. At the same time, we should fully support the innovative business sector, pool collective strength to tackle tough problems, meet difficulties in the face of difficulties, actively respond to risks, actively explore opportunities, seize opportunities and lay a layout for future development.

Finally, he once again expressed his gratitude to the employees who selflessly paid in the epidemic. It is such employees who can "grow tenaciously without fear of wind and rain".


In the first quarter of 2022, there are many moving stories that inspire people to forge ahead, which is precisely the selfless dedication and perseverance of NAR people. On the 20th anniversary of the founding of NAR shares, we firmly believe that with this spirit, we will finally usher in a bright future!

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