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Driving away the haze of the epidemic and serving customers first -- NAR's extraordinary April

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-05-25      Origin: Site

On April 28, under the situation of shortage of logistics resources and serious shortage of on-site team manpower, the employees of Shanghai Logistics Department began to fight from the early morning to the early morning of the next day. Many employees were close to the limit of physical fitness and completed the usual shipment task of 1.5 times. On that day, Shanghai and Nantong sent 29 TEUs in a single day to deliver the full load of goods to all over the world and to customers.

This year, NAR people spent an extraordinary April. Under the condition that the logistics in various places is still very bad and Shanghai still maintains strict anti epidemic sealing and control measures, the normal production and shipment of the company are better guaranteed under the hard work of employees in front-line departments such as supply chain, production and manufacturing, logistics and transportation. In particular, more than 100 employees of Shanghai company have worked and lived in the company for more than 40 days. Although the accommodation and living conditions of the company are relatively difficult, they have not affected everyone's work enthusiasm and efficiency. They have made great contributions to the normal operation of the company. In addition, the colleagues isolated at home are also actively involved in various work, trying to overcome various difficulties, open up one link after another, and try their best to ensure the normal operation of the company under the haze of the epidemic. In April, NAR sales exceeded 100 million, and it was unimaginable at the beginning of the month to achieve such impressive performance.

On the other hand, NAR did not slacken his efforts in epidemic prevention. For any foreign vehicles and personnel, check the health code and travel code first, and enter the plant only after the antigen test is negative. Before cargo loading and unloading, vehicles shall be completely disinfection and sterilization. At the same time, the guideline of "don't get off unless necessary" shall be implemented to strictly prevent adherence, ensure that external infectious sources cannot invade, and ensure a safe production environment. In addition, the truck drivers and masters who come to the factory shall be provided with life assistance as much as possible, free meals and related epidemic prevention materials to solve their burning needs.

 Goods delivery in Shanghai


Goods delivery in Nantong


Over the past month, the company has also actively carried out various online training activities. Starting from the aspects of professional quality, post skills and it digitization, the company has enabled all NAR people in multiple rounds, multiple levels and three-dimensional. The nine storey tower starts from tired soil. Every time we overcome difficulties, it is not only a rare experience, but also an opportunity for us to innovate ourselves. It is in this opportunity that NAR people forge and temper themselves again and again.

The green pines are not cold, and the blue sea is wider than Cheng. NAR people have never stopped fulfilling their commitments to customers and always adhered to the business purpose of "serving with heart and believing in the world". On the occasion of NAR's 20th anniversary, NAR has experienced such an extraordinary and fruitful April. Thank you for your hard-working colleagues, partners who have moved forward together in difficulties, and government leaders at all levels for their support and care. We should always keep the light in our hearts and always shine on the way ahead!

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