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Chairman of NAR, You Aiguo, visited Thailand NAR plant

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-10      Origin: Site

Established in December 2020, Thailand NAR is located in Thailand China Industrial Park, the economic corridor in eastern Thailand, 130 km away from Bangkok, and 40 km away from Lin Chabang Port, a deep-water port in Thailand. Since its establishment for two and a half years, the production has steadily increased year by year, and currently serves 12 countries and regions in Southeast Asia.


At the end of May this year, Chairman of NAR, You Aiguo, visited plant in Thailand for inspection. He is concerned about Thailand NAR and upon arriving in Thailand, he went directly to NAR factory for working guidance. On the afternoon of that day, a meeting was held with all employees of Thai NAR to affirm the achievements made by Thai NAR this year, and to express sincere gratitude for the efforts and dedication made by the staff in Thailand NAR.


During the inspection, Chairman You Aiguo raised higher expectations and requirements for the Thai NAR team:

1、 Quality improvement: We need all employees to participate in quality work and take improving quality as our responsibility. Everyone actively participates and strives to protect every square meter of product, surpassing customer expectations;

2、 Consciousness of conservation: Energy conservation and consumption reduction should be comprehensively considered, implemented from the team's operations, processes, and work methods, forming fixed standards, and being tested and implemented in place;

3、 Method of work: Actively learning, constantly pursuing self-improvement, and localizing NAR's corporate culture; Organize various processes, break down barriers between Chinese and Thai cultures, and strive to achieve unobstructed communication;

4、 Implementation of safety: always take the safety of employees' lives as our responsibility, so that employees can truly work happily and go home safely. Implement safety work and ensure that the alarm bell rings forever!

At the same time, Chairman You Aiguo announced a notice inviting outstanding Thai colleagues to study at the headquarters. While expressing his sincere hope for the Thai NAR people, he also demanded that other colleagues should follow their examples, actively learn from them, strive to improve their sense of responsibility, continuously improve their skills, and grow together with the Thai NAR.


Thai NAR is an important component of NAR's internationalization blueprint, and strengthening the cultivation and construction of localized talents is an urgent task and the foundation for achieving the goals. In the future, Thailand NAR will take on a more important mission and become a crucial step towards NAR's global development!

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