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Jiangxi Red Cross Foundation visited NAR

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-03-16      Origin: Site

Recently, NAR received a delegation from Jiangxi Red Cross Foundation and Shanghai Jiangxi Chamber of Commerce to carry out exchanges and discussions on corporate public welfare activities. The event was led by Zhou Qian, Secretary-General of the Jiangxi Red Cross Foundation, Liu Shaomin, Secretary-General of the Jiangxi Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, and attended by Chen Jianxiang and other representatives of the Jiangxi provincial, municipal and county-level Red Cross Societies. Xia Xuewu, Assistant President, received the visiting representatives of the Foundation.


Red Cross Society visited the exhibition hall and introduced the development process, market layout and main products of NAR. Later, the team went to the flagship store of NAR PREMIUM to visit and more intuitively understand the product of body paint protective film.



During the discussion and exchange, Xia Xuewu, the assistant president, shared the efforts made by NAR in the construction of corporate social responsibility. Among them, supporting social charity and public welfare is also an inherent good tradition of NAR in its growth. Love is boundless. Whether it is the Wenchuan earthquake, the fight against the COVID-19, or the earthquake disaster in Turkey, NAR has made more than 10 public welfare donations and material donations so far. The company has also set up special poverty relief funds to alleviate life problems or family accidents for many employees. NAR's down-to-earth and warm-hearted spirit of leading the team won the praise of the foundation representatives.


Over the years, NAR has always attached importance to corporate social responsibility, served customers with genuine products, participated in community public welfare with a positive attitude, and practiced green production and manufacturing with the concept of environmental protection. Sustainable development is the concept that the country has always adhered to, and the market has also put forward higher environmental protection requirements for products, and Nar will always strive for it.

This exchange activity is the recognition of NAR by Shanghai Jiangxi Chamber of Commerce, and it is also an opportunity for the company to continue to expand its public welfare undertakings. We look forward to more opportunities for exchanges and cooperation with the Jiangxi Red Cross Foundation in the future, and continue to participate in various public welfare activities and contribute to social progress!


*Provided by: Cheng Fangzhen from President Office

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