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Face epidemic prevention, ensure production and send warmth ", NAR people fight" epidemic with “love”

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-05-25      Origin: Site

In early March, the epidemic swept back. We are going through a special spring and a severe test. In the face of various difficulties, NAR people never gave up their efforts. While fighting the epidemic and preventing the epidemic, they overcame one difficulty after another. With the full cooperation of all departments, the company's headquarters achieved a shipment record of nearly 150 million in March, once again passing through many thorns and reaching a record high!

Behind this achievement, there are many NAR people's selfless dedication. Some of them stick to the front line and insist on production, some stay at home to provide sufficient logistical support for front-line staff, and others raise materials to solve problems for those in need. True feelings are seen in adversity. NAR hostage is simple and diligent, and his spirit shines in difficulties and storms.

Face epidemic prevention

A "big test" for epidemic prevention came suddenly. In order to ensure the health, safety and normal production of employees, NAR people strictly implemented various management regulations, always tightened the string of safety in work, and paid close attention to epidemic prevention and safety work to ensure the stable operation of the company's production.

The epidemic prevention emergency response team strictly requires each on-the-job employee to strictly implement the requirements of various epidemic prevention policies. The daily morning meeting reiterated and emphasized the precautions for epidemic prevention and safety production, disinfection and sterilization all areas of the plant and incoming goods, and ensured the safety of personnel and stable and orderly production from the details.


Emphasize the precautions during the epidemic ↑

2-3-Daily disinfection and sterilization in the whole plant area 

Guarantee production

In the face of the epidemic, the production team of the manufacturing center did not retreat. On the premise of doing a good job in epidemic prevention, they chose to stay in the front line, with nearly 150 resident personnel. They fought day and night under the leadership of factory director Shao Xinzheng, logistics planning manager Zhang Nengjun and other members of the epidemic prevention team. At the same time, the staff responsible for delivery order planning and raw material procurement also rearranged the affected goods overnight to ensure the normal operation of production.


Logistics personnel were on duty day and night. In the face of the logistics situation that had been delayed for a long time due to the epidemic, they stayed late at night to complete the acceptance of goods. At the same time, in the case of shortage of delivery logistics vehicles, try every means to obtain logistics resources and complete the delivery of finished goods.


Production personnel and quality control personnel strictly abide by every link, adhere to the team morning meeting every day, emphasize epidemic prevention matters and production precautions in special periods, and never forget to implement production and quality management while doing epidemic prevention work well.


The personnel in charge of order delivery work hard at home. They race against time, strive for every vehicle that can be delivered and container that can leave the port, and fulfill their commitment to the customer's delivery date.

Send warmth

In order to ensure the clothing, food, housing and transportation of the resident and home-based employees, NAR people set up an epidemic emergency team. The team members are actively assumed by the backbone of the company. They eat and live with the resident employees, raise materials, solve difficulties, and support an umbrella for the logistics operation of the company.

Wan Yiquan, the leader of the security team, and Huang Qian of the Administration Department collected materials all night and even asked the surrounding hotels for help. Finally, they sent enough sleeping bags, toothbrushes, towels and other daily necessities to the personnel stationed in the factory. Although the conditions of the temporary residence built by every effort are general, it is believed that it has a different warmth.


In addition, for colleagues who have urgent needs for home office, the members of the emergency response team are also in a hurry, try their best to solve their difficulties and send love vegetables and other supplies. Alibaba cloud team members who were unable to go home because of the epidemic also received a lot of love from NAR people, which solved the urgent need.


Since the arrival of the epidemic, NAR people have made concerted efforts to fight the epidemic and done their best without regret. In the storm, we overcame many difficulties, not only successfully prevented and fought the epidemic, but also surpassed our goals and ourselves, and made new achievements one after another.

In March, everything can be expected. We believe that with the spirit of fearing difficulties and taking responsibility, and the love of unity and selfless dedication, we will usher in new harvest.


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